About Us

We are the happiest married couple in the world who live on the most beautiful farm in the world in the awesome Huon valley,
Sunset in the Huon valley  in sunny southern Tasmania.
We share our farm with many animal people.
We have all the Barnevelder chickens, hens grazing 08 2012 02 sm
pigs, the magical animal, dark pigtail 01 cropped smpigs DSC01112 sm
sheep, Mr and Mrs Brian 03 052012 sm

Idris the peacock, Taken at our place by Merrilyn Serong

Idris the peacock, Taken at our place by Merrilyn Serong

many kinds of native animals, grumpy 150112 14
and two awesome cats,
Max, the forest cat, Max the forrest cat 04 sm
and Dion, the slightly inbred princess, dion 0313
It is our goal to make and do as much for ourselves as we can because corporate food is evil.
We make our own bacon  bacon sm
bread, bread
and beer. lower longbrew label
You can contact us here.
Unless otherwise specified, all content is copyright Morgan Leigh and Tim Serong, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.  If you find something you’d like to use under different terms, please ask.